learning by doing

My ambition to create bikes started in a bohemian penthouse in Old town, Stockholm. The year was 2012 and the revolution of fixed gear had just started and I was hooked. Repairing and rebuilding old vintage bikes was a newfound sidebusiness alongside the studies, learning by doing was the approach. I realized quite fast that the vintage bikes had a way better quality compared to some of the new models of today. You could basically knock these steel bikes around and they'll would come back for more.


Doing things a little differently is something that drives us and I guess it's in our DNA! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

In 2022, Velofant was founded and came to organize yard sales in some of Stockholm's parks. The name Velofant is a portmanteau of velocipede & elephant and symbolizes a morph between rapidity and durability.


In 2024, I had enough experience and knowledge to fulfill a dream and design my own bicycle model - Archipelago. A tribute to the landscape that characterizes the city where the journey began - Stockholm. The model is made out of steel and it's inspired by some of the vintage track bikes we worked on over the years. our vision is that this model will make you hooked

- mash it like an elephant! 🤍

/ Josef - founder